Are you really free?

Have you ever made a mistake and tried to hide it? Did that make you feel better or worse? Often hiding makes us feel even more bad. Jesus says: let…

The speed of trust

Trust is vital in any good relationship. But it can be hard to trust people. Will they keep their promise to love and care for you? Sometimes you make a…

You are guilty!

We all judge people for making mistakes yet we all make mistakes too. In this story Jesus protects an adulterous woman for the condemnation of her community. Why? It happens…

Be careful. Don’t trust a guru….

The best way to form an opinion about someone is to meet them in person. The best way to determine how you feel about Jesus is to meet him. But…

What is your conclusion about Jesus?

You may have heard many stories and opinions about Jesus. In the end it comes down to the question: what do you think about him? I have had many discussions…

The foreknowledge of Jesus

Would you want to know what comes next in your life? Jesus is aware of what lies before him: ultimately death. Yet he trusts in Gods timing. “When you know…

He is in my head

What if you could look inside someone’s head? See what they really think! And what if someone could read your thoughts? Jesus knows what people think and confronts. Sometimes I…

Never hungry again

We need to drink water and eat food to stay alive. Everyone knows. But Jesus talks about a spiritual need we need to fulfill to come alive. We need food…

Jesus and Maslow

Maslow’s pyramid is well-known. We have our primary needs. In Jesus’ life we get another perspective. Maslow’s pyramid is well-known. We have our primary needs. If not fulfilled, we struggle….

What if there was no gravity?

As humans we are limited by laws and forces of nature. Jesus however breaks through those limitations and challenges our thinking. When I was young, I imagined a game in…