Anger is a bad counselor

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Anger is a bad counselor

Today, I’m going to appeal to your imagination…suppose you have to buy a new car. Naturally, you go to the dealership, where a very kind salesperson welcomes you.

Everything’s going well…when all of a sudden, the salesperson asks you to put a bandana over your eyes and earplugs in your ears…Then, he asks you to look at the beautiful cars and launches into a detailed explanation of each one’s characteristics. However, you can neither see nor hear…Would you make a good choice? Certainly not!

Anger is an emotion that can be so strong it may render us “blind and deaf,” thus preventing us from making the right decisions. So you see…it is not the best of counselors!

On the other hand, the One who always has good advice, no matter your emotional state, is the Holy Spirit who “gives direction and builds strength, the Spirit that instills knowledge and Fear-of-God.” (the Bible, MSG, Isaiah 11:2)

He is always present, available, beside you and ready to help you!

Rely on Him; give Him all your emotions, your feelings, and ask Him to direct you. He’ll do it! He will guide and help you every step of the way.

Be blessed! I appreciate you, and I’m praying for you.


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