Choose the best

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God is excellent in all He does. Each one of His decisions is perfect and His choices are, too. You are God’s choice. You are not here by accident. Your heavenly Papa longed for you to come into the world—well before your birth, you had already been in His heart.
That’s why, each day, you also can choose the best for your life.
• In the face of injustice, choose to forgive.
• In the face of malice, react with love.
• In the face of distress, choose joy.
• In the face of the impossible, declare that with God, it is possible.

Choose the attitude of heaven!

For each situation you encounter, you will always have a choice between two attitudes: earthly or heavenly.

Because you are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, position yourself as such through your acts and your words.

Choose the best—choose the attitude of heaven!


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