Don’t compare yourself to others any longer…

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Don’t compare yourself to others any longer…

Someone once said, “If you have a tendency to compare yourself to others, it’s time to slam the door on those thoughts!”
I would like to help you to slam that door shut today!

Jesus once told the story of a man who loved to compare himself to others. He prayed like this: “I thank You that I am not like other men.” He loved to compare himself because he believed his religiosity made him superior. What a mistake! Jesus said that this man went back to his house like he came, unforgiven, unjustified. (See The Bible, Luke 18:11)

Many people struggle by comparing themselves to others, thinking others are “better” than they are. Men and women alike look at magazines with photoshopped pictures and then put themselves down. They see themselves as ugly, too fat, etc. They also look at other people’s successes and say to themselves, “Why don’t I measure up like they do?”

Comparing yourself to people you don’t know, whose pictures were retouched—is this really helpful? In all honesty, does this help or harm you?

Learn instead to see yourself as God sees you! He created you; He desired your existence. He made you unique, with special gifts. You have infinite value in His eyes. He loves you passionately. You are a jewel, a precious pearl, a priceless treasure. He gave everything for you, even His own life on the cross!

Today, God says to you, I love you! You are My child. I’m blessing and helping you!”

Comparing yourself to others won’t help you. But realizing that you have everything in Christ Jesus can change your life forever!

See yourself as God sees you - you have infinite value in His eyes!


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