Go from “good” to “very good”!

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Go from “good” to “very good”!

When you were a child, did you ever read on your report card, “Can do better”? Coming from your teacher, it probably wasn’t very encouraging… especially if you saw it more than once.

But imagine with me for a moment that the Lord is gently whispering in your ear, “You can do better, for I am in you…I am helping you!” Now that is a real encouragement!

You see, in the Bible, we read that God created the world in six steps. After each of the first five steps, He congratulated Himself by saying, “it is good.” He finished on the sixth day by creating man and woman…it’s then that God saw that it was VERY good. God had done even better than on the other days!

“Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” (the Bible, Genesis 1:31)

Now, imagine that in your daily circumstances, God is telling you, “You can do even better!” Imagine the zeal and joy filling and encouraging you to go even further in God. Love more. Give more. Forgive more.

You want to do it first of all for God, to hear Him congratulate you, saying, “It’s VERY good.” And then it becomes a habit, a very good life habit.

Yes, you can keep making progress, progress that will be evident to all! So continue to be an encouragement and a blessing, for your family, friends, and all those you reach at your job. They will be touched by God’s love, and He will be proud of you!


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