God does miracles!

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Today, I’m taking a short break from our Psalm 27 series to share with you one of the many testimonies I’ve received. I pray that they help you believe that nothing is impossible for God, that all things are possible for him who believes. Enjoy…
I received a miracle when you wrote the email “Faith—it’s all I have!” That morning, I prayed for my sister-in-law, Rama, who had Lyell’s Syndrome. There was nothing that anyone could do to save her because at that moment in Gabon, where she lives, the hospitals were on strike. And more, there simply was no remedy to save her. But my God saved her! Today, she is in good health and has returned to her house. I want to give all the glory to Jesus!

All things are possible for him who believes!

Isn’t it incredible what God does? The Bible says, “…Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” (Psalm 139:14)


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