“I AM” for you!

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In His Word, God says, “‘I AM WHO I AM.’” (Exodus 3:14)

So, no matter what challenge you may be facing today, the great I AM says to you, I am everything you need Me to be.”

  • Do you need healing? God says to you, “‘I am the Lord who heals you.’” (the Bible, Exodus 15:26)
  • Do you need light to illuminate your path? God says to you, “‘I am the light of the world.’” (the Bible, John 8:12)
  • Do you need deliverance from a bad situation? God says, I am your deliverer.” (the Bible, Psalm 18:2)
  • Are you afraid of the future, of what awaits you tomorrow? God declares, “‘I am the good shepherd. (…) You shall not want.’” (the Bible, John 10:11 and Psalm 23:1)
  • Are you afraid of man’s opinions, of what they may say? God says, “‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.’” (the Bible, Revelation 22:13). God has the final say in your life. He has the first and last word in your situation!

In the midst of your problems, fear not! The great I AM, the great JESUS, says to you, “‘Dont be afraid! I am everything you need Me to be.’”

Let’s pray together…Lord, thank You for being everything I need today! You are my healer, my light, my deliverer, my shepherd, my God. I declare today that I am not afraid! In Jesuss name, amen.”


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