Your Defender will rise up!

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“Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries; for false witnesses have risen against me, and such as breathe out violence.” (The Bible, Psalm 27:12)
Jesus is your Defender, and He will arise for you!

It’s very difficult to be accused publicly and unjustly. This happened to me several years ago on January 1st. I was peacefully eating breakfast with some friends to start the new year in joy and brotherly love when I was informed that an accusatory article had been published on an Internet site against TopChrétien and against me. A pastor had written the article and called into question our integrity and other things. The article contained a dozen accusations…

This was very painful to experience, not only for me, but also for my wife and children. And for our team. We cried and sought God. We forgave and sought to change evil into good and comfort ourselves.

Be assured that your Father will not deliver you to the poisonous desires of your enemies. False witnesses who only breathe out violence may rise against you, but someone else is going to rise up too! He is your Deliverer…He will arise for you. He is Jesus Christ, and He breathes out only kindness and gentleness.

Jesus is your defender. He will rise up and have the final say!


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