Your inheritance is peace

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God desired your existence and fashioned you with love. And why? Certainly not for you to live a life of permanent stress and worry! Yet, each day you are confronted with all sorts of situations…managing the house, professional responsibilities, a disagreement with a friend, lack of money, and so many other things that can steal your peace.
If you invite Him, the God of peace will come in!

So how do you fully possess your divine inheritance each day? How do you enjoy this peace that God desires to give you?

By trusting Him. By abandoning yourself completely in His arms. By choosing to believe that…
• His Word is true
• He loves you personally
• He’s taking care of you!

Where is the hidden place in your life to which God is still waiting for complete access? The Lord is considerate. He is the incarnation of perfect love. He will never force the door open. But if you invite Him, He will come in. He will make His home within you; His love and His peace will flow like a river each day.


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