God will accomplish what He has promised you!

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Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | God will accomplish what He has promised you!

“Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.” (the Bible, Romans 4:20-21, NLT)

Abraham didn’t doubt. He believed until the end that his Creator God could perform a miracle for him. Against all odds…having a child. Against all human logic…producing life.

When all seems lost…the miracle happens!

God does what He says He will do. His faithfulness to you surpasses your difficulties. Don’t doubt that His plans for you will be accomplished! Don’t let uncertainty stifle your faith or steal your joy. Your destiny is taking shape in the palm of God’s hand.

The Lord is at work. He’s working on your behalf because He loves you. My friend, God will accomplish what He has promised you, as He did for Karan and Solange. Thank you both for your testimonies…

“Dear Jesus.net, when I first started reading ‘A Miracle Every Day,’ I found myself with no place to live, no job, no transportation, no insurance, and very very depressed. Those were some dark days and this email helped me so many times. God has used you to lift me up at times when I didn’t think I could be lifted up. It has been almost two years and now I have a place to live, a steady income, I moved to a new state that has a wonderful transportation system, God has provided everything that I need. I am a senior citizen, this is the first time I’ve lived on my own by myself. … God bless you all and keep you, and cause His living, loving Face to shine on you all, and on your ministry.” Karan 

“When I started to receive ‘A Miracle Every Day,’ I was having problems with my husband. I felt hurt, humiliated, and had many negative thoughts. But from the day I began to read this daily message, my faith started to be renewed, I had hope, and I learned to obey the voice of God. The healing process was set into motion. Today, I have been able to forgive, and God’s peace is in my home. My husband has also changed in a very positive way, and we are on the same wavelength. God bless you, Pastor Eric.” Solange

I invite you to take a few minutes to listen to this song today by Bethel Music, “Take Courage,” and encourage yourself in the Lord. Yes, indeed…“You who hold the stars, who call them each by name, will surely keep Your promise to me, that I will rise in Your victory!”

Let’s pray together…“Lord, I choose not to doubt. Thank You that Your faithfulness to me surpasses my difficulties, and that You will keep Your promises to me! In Your name, amen!”


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  1. Jyoti on 28/07/2019 at 3:57 PM

    All praise to God in Jesus’ name who amazingly gives you these messages to write and they speak so personally to me, literally according to my need. God encourages me each day through your messages to not give up but hold on and wait for Him to accomplish what He has promised.

    God bless you Br. Eric and continue to speak to many many through you.
    Good day!!

  2. Pearl Sheba on 28/07/2019 at 4:44 PM

    Thanking God for this ministry that gives me a reason to wake up to a new meaning for life.
    The personalized messages sometimes feel they are really meant for you.
    God Bless Eric and his team for their time effort, talent and vision for all God’s people.

  3. Haydee Cos on 28/07/2019 at 9:24 PM

    Thank you Miracle Everyday… continue this ministry to enlighten those whose spiritual eyes is starting to get blurry…

    Keep it up!

    God bless your work

  4. Hattie Johnson on 29/07/2019 at 9:41 AM

    God bless you Eric thankgod for your friendship and prayers I all way have you in my heart listen
    To the song sat moring I had tear in my heart all way thank about my son he made a way victory be

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