Humility is not praised in this world…

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Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Humility is not praised in this world…

Over the last few days, we’ve seen that humility is a very important quality in God’s eyes and is even a large part of who He is! However, in the world we live in, humility is not always viewed in a positive light.

The reality is that humble people are sometimes associated (at the very least, in the imagination) with weak, pitiable people who may be used to achieve an end. Thus, because our society’s model for success is based on strength, power, and the ability to dominate our competition, humility can often be perceived as a weakness rather than a strength…

But…and it’s no surprise…the world is wrong! The Bible says in Psalm 25:9, The humble He guides in justice, and the humble He teaches His way.”

What does this mean for you and me today? Humility is perceived as weakness in this world, but in the Kingdom of God, it’s the key that gives us the privilege of being guided and taught by God Himself.

Why? Because when we’re humble, we’re not relying on our own strength or intelligence to rule our lives. So, your humility will draw the Lord and allow Him to act and move in your life! As opposed to pride, which pushes the Lord away and hinders Him from acting. Because God gives grace to the humble…

I encourage you to seek and develop humility and dependence upon God so that His Spirit may guide you in justice and in His perfect ways.

Remember today: Humility is not a weakness…it’s a strength!


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  1. Theaya·Lannister on 13/06/2018 at 12:55 PM

    In Chain,we alway say that humble people will make great progress!—By Mao Zedong

  2. Katie on 13/06/2018 at 4:51 PM

    Thank God for that word today ❤️

  3. Miriam Ochoa on 13/06/2018 at 6:19 PM

    Gracias mil por la palabra de Dios Amén. ♥????

  4. Henry Rainey on 13/06/2018 at 6:26 PM


  5. William Weber on 13/06/2018 at 6:49 PM

    Amen Lord Jesus Lord protect us all Amen Lord Jesus

  6. Hugues on 13/06/2018 at 7:38 PM

    It’s right. Let’s be humble to get success.

  7. Theaya Lannister on 14/06/2018 at 12:13 PM

    Get progress

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