Receive the Heavenly Father’s instructions

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The role of parents is to raise, supervise, discipline, lead, and transmit their knowledge to their children. It’s one of the great privileges of being a parent! As a father, I love sharing the experiences I’ve had with my children and discussing things with them.

God, your Heavenly Father, also desires to teach you and show you the path to follow!

“Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you.” (the Bible, Deuteronomy 8:5, NIV)

A two-year-old doesn’t learn the same lessons as a 15-year-old. They’re in different seasons, and consequently, they don’t have the same questions or needs.

Each day, God waits for you in the secret place of prayer so that He can give you His life and open His heart to you.

He perfectly understands you, your situation, and the state of your life. Whether you’re filled with peace and joy or overwhelmed with doubt or fear, your Father knows exactly what you need.

It’s by reading His Word that you receive His precious advice that’s perfectly suited for the season you’re going through.

He can counsel you better than anyone else because there’s nothing hidden from Him and He knows the future perfectly!

I pray that you encounter Him in a personal way today.   


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