The Passion of Jesus

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How I remember seeing the impressive movie “The Passion of the Christ”! Mel Gibson’s very bloody movie. We saw it in a theater with some friends. After the movie, we watched all the credits before we were ready to leave. We were deeply touched by what Jesus had done for us. He took all that suffering to rescue us.

Passion of Jesus

Passion. A great word. Jesus’ passion was to come and rescue us. God does not want anyone to be lost. Therefore, he sent His Son (John 3:16). That is the greatest passion you can imagine. Giving your life for other people. Sometimes, it strikes me very deeply that Jesus did this for all of us. That is Why Jesus came to the earth!

What is My Passion?

Last week I was touched by listening to someone who was talking about his work with a lot of passion. I could see that he was fully “into” it. His whole body showed that he was full of this passion. I am always excited when I see people who are full of passion. But this time, it brought me to the question: What is my passion?

Compassion of Jesus

When Jesus was looking at the crowd (Matthew 14:14), he felt compassion. He felt CO-passion. He felt the same passion as his father. He looked at the people with the eyes of his father.

I think Jesus is calling all of us to share the passion of his father. That is what I want to do and that is what wants to do. To reach everyone with the Gospel.

Easter is Coming

We approach the heart of the Christian faith this week. We celebrate Easter. I hope you will all have a great time. But most of all, I hope that we share the Passion of Jesus with the people around us.

There is no Easter without the Passion of Jesus! Share it to the world!


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