You are a new creation!

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | You are a new creation!

My friend, I’m sure you’re familiar with the process that the caterpillar undergoes to become a butterfly. It’s one of nature’s most fascinating transformations.Seen from the outside, a cocoon may appear to be a place where nothing happens. It’s almost a place of death, without movement, without noise… But not without life…

Several days pass and all of a sudden, life bursts forth and exits the cocoon! A pair of magnificent wings splits the sky and contributes to the beauty of creation.

His victory defines your future today!

Did you know that if someone artificially opens the cocoon to help the butterfly escape, it dies? It’s this process of struggling to leave the cocoon that allows the butterfly’s wings to become sturdy and strong, so that it can face the natural elements like the wind and rain.

Your cocoon is God’s heart, His presence, His love. In the secret place, the Holy Spirit speaks to you, teaches you, and strengthens you. The Lord is preparing you for an unlimited life of grace and strength, an existence marked by the imprint of His steps and the seal of His victory…


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