You are incomparable!

21 May@2x-100-min

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | You are incomparable!

Most people tend to compare themselves to others, but in doing so, they don’t see their own abilities or their own worth.

Maybe you’re one of these people who tend to compare themselves…If so, I’d like to help you to stop this habit that negatively affects your identity and your whole life.

When God created you, He gave you gifts, talents, which He distributed according to His will. He also filled you with “the Spirit of God, giving…great wisdom, ability, and expertise in all kinds of crafts.” (read the Bible, Exodus 31:3, NLT) He gave you life for a very specific purpose, preparing plans of peace for you.

Comparison is a plague that affects many people! Our society perpetuates it through advertising, magazines, social networks…In general, when people compare themselves to each other, they tend to undervalue themselves, to put themselves down…

  • They waste their time trying to look like others, whom they always see as better than themselves.
  • They don’t succeed in changing, despite their attempts, because they sometimes copy one person, and then sometimes another.
  • They doubt their potential to the point of bypassing their destinies.
  • They watch others succeed, wondering why they can’t seem to break through…

If you’ve been influenced by this plague, let me ask you this simple question: does comparing yourself to others make you happy or unhappy?

Declare right now that this habit will be reversed from today forward! You were created for more than this…for more than comparison. Because you’re an original model, not a copy or photocopy!

Learn instead to see yourself as God sees you. He created you on purpose, with unique talents and special gifts. He’s the One who decided to bring you into this world! You have infinite value in His eyes. He loves you passionately. You are a crown jewel, a precious gem, a priceless treasure. He gave everything for you, even His own life on the cross.

Simply accept that you are…incomparable!


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  1. Robert Daniels on 21/05/2019 at 1:45 PM

    We should pick up the cross and dust it off.this will show that we appreciate the way god has dealt with us according to john 3:16

  2. William Weber on 21/05/2019 at 5:09 PM

    Amen Lord Jesus Amen Amen

  3. irma on 21/05/2019 at 5:46 PM

    Amen Glory be to God almighty?❤?

  4. Maureen on 22/05/2019 at 3:57 AM

    Thank you Jesus for making me an original masterpiece. Amen

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