You’re no longer a slave to fear!

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Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | You’re no longer a slave to fear!

Today, we will navigate the pages of an absolutely wonderful book called Abba’s Heart: Finding Our Way Back to the Father’s Delight by Neal and Matthew Lozano.

Are you often paralyzed by fear?

Fear of emptiness, the fear preventing you from jumping out of comfort and familiarity to live the life God has lovingly prepared for you?

The fear keeping you from leaving the family nest to pursue studies elsewhere, or the fear preventing you from developing friendships with people who could benefit your soul?

The Bible declares, “So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”” (read Romans 8:15, NLT)

Moving from fear to the conviction that you’re a child of God is quite an adventure! But His Spirit is ready and willing to direct every one of your steps towards His heart.

Becoming the person God wants you to be is a process that has to go through Jesus. He is the One who holds your identity, and through His sacrifice, you can approach His throne assured that He will equip you for every step of your life.

In Chapter 4, Neal Lozano very rightly says, “Jesus has set us free and brought us into the joy of a Father who rescued His once-enslaved children.”

Fear not! Little by little, God, in His joy, wants to transform you from being slaves to fear to children of God. And He wants to do it today!


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  1. Laura Sampson on 16/06/2019 at 5:00 PM

    WOW!!!!!!! This really hit me and I hope and pray that my fear will dissipate little by little each day. As I continue to pray for peace. I pray for everyone that feels imprisoned by fear, that they will sense God’s peace and love especially today!
    I wish all the Fathers a very Happy Father’s Day!

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