The power to overcome
Are you struggling with any addictions, or is someone you love struggling? Are these addictions ruining your life or career? The power to overcome all addictions is at your fingertips. Addictions come in so many forms. Each one has the ability to dominate a life or ruin an entire family. As a therapist, I’ve seen people suffer from addictions to drugs, food, sex, work, anger, spending, and so much more.
Addiction is defined as “a brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences.” (UTHealth) The interesting thing about most addictions is that they are rarely the root cause of the problem—they are the evidence of a deep-seated issue. Please don’t get me wrong—addictions can cause so many problems. But in my opinion and experience, they are a form of self-sedation.
The real problem is in your vat. I’ve mentioned the concept of the vat several times in A Miracle Every Day, and I teach on this subject in depth in The 30 Day Journey to Emotional Health. Please download a free chapter from this series. When your vat is full of unresolved hurt or anger, the chances of addiction are very high.
In the next few days, we’ll dive deeper into the subject of addictions, but today is a good day to start with step one of freedom from addictions: admit you have a problem. It’s time to break out of denial and admit that something or someone has a hold on you. The Bible says, “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony...” (Revelation 12:11, NIV). But first, you must admit that you have a life-controlling or hindering problem.
So, friend, whether it’s alcohol, pain killers, sex, or something else, you can be free. It’s time to either admit it to yourself or continue lying to yourself and others. James teaches us, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16, NIV)
The truth will set you free because you are a miracle.