Publication date Jun 1, 2024

Make the Right Decision

Publication date Jun 1, 2024

Did you know that I used to get jealous very quickly?

Recently, a friend sent me someone’s new song, and I had to think about how that would have completely unsettled me in the past. Yes, unsettled, because I was insecure.

How do you react when someone has the same job as you and may be more successful in it than you are? You know, in life, we will ALWAYS come to these points where we have to decide how to react.

This was already the case in the Old Testament! It says: "Jacob loved Joseph more than his other sons!...They hated him because of this." (Genesis 37:3-4 NIV)

When Joseph then told them about his two dreams, in which he described how they would bow down to him, it says: "Joseph's brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the dream in mind." (Genesis 37:11 NIV).

There is something important here, friend.  You can, like the brothers, be tempted to become jealous, but jealousy is not from God. (see Galatians 5:19 NIV

Or you decide, "in your mind, in your thoughts," like Joseph's father did, to think about the truth behind it. And when you hear the word truth, you should always(!) think of John 8:32 "The truth will set you free!" (John 8:32 NIV

Yes, the truth is always good and liberating!

As in this case! The truth from God's perspective is: "Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Woo-hoo, what a verse! (Romans 12:10 NIV

In that moment, Joseph's brothers could have said, "Wow, Joseph. What a dream! God seems to have something great in store for you!" Would it have cost them anything? No! On the contrary! Good words bring joy!

That's why today, when my friend sends me a song from another singer, I can sincerely and honestly respond: "Wow, what a great song! What a great gift!"

Why? Because I know one thing: God has enough blessings for every life! And He wants to give you, friend, more than enough of it too!

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!