New life force for you!

Even if you don't believe the truth anymore, I exhort you to speak it! When you do, you rob the lie of its power.

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | New life force for you!

Are you worn out? Tired? Did you have a tough start to your day? Did you make mistakes or wrong decisions? Maybe you don’t like what you see in the mirror. Perhaps your hopes are fading—and believing in miracles is getting harder and harder. 

Ah, how good a role model King David is for us in situations like these! He understood because he experienced all these feelings himself. He made some really bad decisions—major ones—but he also experienced being suddenly afflicted out of nowhere. He must have wondered, “Why me?”

Do you ever ask yourself, “Why me? I want to live, too. Really live!” Then you need to know this: you can already live while you’re still waiting for your miracle! Life is a gift you have received:

“For You created my inmost being…” (Psalm 139:13, NIV)  

Here’s my first point: God wanted YOUR existence. He wants YOU to live!

But what if you don’t really care anymore whether you live or not? What if these thoughts are starting to have more power in your mind and heart? Then it’s urgently time for point two: “Smother the lie with the truth.” Even if you don’t believe the truth anymore, I exhort you to speak it! When you do, you rob the lie of its power.

“I see the treacherous, and am disgusted, because they do not keep Your word. Consider how I love Your precepts; revive me, O Lord, according to Your lovingkindness. The entirety of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.” (Psalm 119:158-160, NKJV)  

Do as David does! On the one hand, he says how tired he is of evil, but in the same breath, he confesses, “The entirety of Your word is truth”! And what does His Word say? That God wants you, and He wants you to live! HE will give you the power and miracles for your life today, tomorrow, and into the future. 

That’s my prayer today! May joy return to your life and miracles happen as we pray together, full of faith…“Lord, I ask You to give me new vitality by Your grace! The entirety of Your Word is truth.” Amen and amen! :-)

You are a miracle!


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  1. Ann-Marie fewster on 28/02/2023 at 11:27 AM

    Thank you for reminding me that our lord Jesus is still with us in spite of our difficulties. Amen and god bless.

  2. Sharron+Kibler on 28/02/2023 at 12:04 PM

    In the strong name of Jesus ????????!!! Amen ????????

  3. Kimberly Wright on 28/02/2023 at 12:59 PM

    Hi Deborah. I am trying to leave a comment but for some reason I am not able to.

  4. Kimberly Wright on 28/02/2023 at 1:01 PM

    I don’t have the funds to participate in the 21 day challenge. I don’t have the funds to do the challenge. I am also not getting to hear your emails lately. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Zandile on 28/02/2023 at 1:35 PM


  6. John on 28/02/2023 at 1:46 PM

    Amen ✝️ Thank You Jesus, and thank you Deborah for your time, efforts, and prayers for us, your audience ????

  7. Maggie Madsen on 28/02/2023 at 1:56 PM

    WOW Deborah! Your message truly was meant for me today! I am still exhausted this morning, sleep deprived from staying up til 3 am Sunday morning after a trigger from 1 of my estranged brothers on Saturday, after a boundary I tried to set for him not text me anymore randomly so I can heal…unless he wanted to be close again. This brother has caused me so much heartache over the past year which I’ve had to continue to forgive him with my conversation with God. 1 year ago now he reached out to me by text to share my Mom was diagnosed with CA, and did not have long to live. I had not seen her since May of ’21, when she stopped talking to me again. Which I was used to 30+ years of my life. My estranged brothers, now 4 from 5 since we lost my brother Steven on May 3rd, are still not talking to me or each other. I love and miss seeing all of my brothers and their families! We had already lost 2 brothers before I lost Steven who shockingly ended his life. Our daughter called to Face Time last night whose also a trigger for me. Whose been in a toxic/substance abuse relationship and we barely see her, since she has no car. I had just gotten in from food shopping last night at 8 pm. When my husband said she had texted him and wanted to call. I asked him to text her to wait til today. But he didn’t! So I was scrambling to eat something, and doing what I needed to do to rest. After not receiving good news from my dentist exam/xrays. Sadly I was up until 1 am last night, and did not do a good job taking care of my temple. I asked for the Holy Spirit’s presence and intervention over our daughter and her BF who was out, while I was in the bathroom…and to close the door to her relationship if it is His will. I also asked for His help today to start a fast from texting others today and going forward, and to help me to take care of myself. I awoke to Him singing Crowder’s song with Dante Bowe, GOD REALLY LOVES US. Thank you Holy Spirit for Your comfort, wisdom and strength I so need today and everyday…as I continue to push forward for the race that is set before me…and Paul spoke of and is written in Hebrews 12:1-3. One of many profound and inspiring words he spoke. It is my prayer and HOPE in Jesus and the Holy Spirit to OVERCOME and to continually be strengthened through His Word with the renewing of my mind…and taking every thought captive in Jesus’ precious name!!!

    ~+~ AMEN…AMEN ~+~

    • Pamala Kennedy on 28/02/2023 at 4:46 PM

      Wow Maggie! That’s a lot; boundaries with toxic people is a must. I understand about your mom, mine as well. A longing for family doesn’t mean it’s a possibility. I learned all things are possible with God plus me. God plus me and others is only a dream and prayer as the “others” have their own will.
      Make new friendships & create your own healthy family.
      Pamala from AMED,

  8. Sharon Garrison-Skinner on 28/02/2023 at 4:16 PM

    Father, thank you for all You’ve given me. I want to honor You with my money, so please bring to mind ways to serve Your people and grow Your kingdom today. I pray this in praise of Your name and in thankfulness for your Son. Amen.
    Debaroh much love I am a miracle!!! As of this month I have out lived my parents thanks be to God ????????????????????????

  9. Jyoti Swarankar on 28/02/2023 at 6:22 PM

    Thanks Deborah! For today’s message.
    I am reading from Psalms these days and it’s encouraging me to see what you said in your message.

    Deborah, while I was about to comment here, this though came to me so writing here:
    “Was there anything that discouraged you today? If yes, then the Lord wants you to know He understands and will help you, He will make it good.”

    Blessed day ahead!

  10. James A Garman on 28/02/2023 at 7:32 PM

    This is the first message in some time that has really spoken to me. What do I do if I’m trying to do as you say, but it doesn’t seem to be working? Furthermore, I’m finally content to exist until God releases me from this miserable hell life. Seriously, I don’t need a hell because living on this rock is hell. The only thing left for me is suffering and more suffering, and the miracles are teasers, so I won’t commit the ultimate selfish act. Really, there’s only a few things keeping me from doing it, and they are a deep rooted knowledge that the act is selfish, is distrusting God, and quite frankly, doesn’t allow for repentance.

  11. Katie+Pena. on 28/02/2023 at 8:12 PM

    Amen ????????

  12. Terri on 28/02/2023 at 9:10 PM

    I trust You Jesus!????????????????????????❤️
    Thank you Deborah for this beautiful message from our Lord and Savior! God bless????????❤️

  13. Denny Frost on 28/02/2023 at 10:18 PM

    Amen,thank tou Deborah

  14. Terry L Steury on 28/02/2023 at 11:05 PM


  15. Shawn on 01/03/2023 at 7:10 AM

    Thank you so much Deborah for such a wonderful message.

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