Replacing Worry with Worship
My prayer is that you are experiencing the miraculous presence of God today. God is always present and available with us which means, every day is a good day to cast all of our concerns and anxieties at His feet.
There is a powerful story in scripture where King Saul is overwhelmed with worry, anger and anxiety. The truth is that Saul had brought many of these emotions on himself, because of his disobedience and jealousy of David. I believe that many of our worries can be traced back to moments of our disobedience but isn't it miraculous that God is ready and willing to forgive us and put us back on the track to trust in Him? (see 1 Samuel 18:18-30)
The story of Saul's anxiety is powerful because of the role that David plays at this moment. The Bible tells us that David was playing the lyre (a harp) because it helped to soothe Saul's raw nerves. We all know that David was not just a harp player, he was a worshiper!!! David would have been singing songs of praise to His God and that is what was bringing some relief to his troubled King. What a lesson for us!!!
We can replace worry with worship!
When we are tempted to worry, God invites us to use the weapon of worship to fight back. We are more than conquerors through Jesus, and we can overcome all of our worries by worshiping the God who can answer every care and concern of ours.
friend, take a moment and just consider the words to this old song. Let the words wash over your cares and worries and allow God to speak words of comfort and hope over you.
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me
Did you hear that? ALL I have needed, God has provided.
friend, take a moment and just think back about all of the moments when God provided exactly what you needed. He has been miraculously faithful, and every moment you spend thanking Him is one moment you didn't spend worrying!
Right now, worship God for His faithfulness. Worship Him for His miraculous answers. Worship Him because He cares for YOU!
You are a miracle!