When “my” vision isn’t coming to pass…

AMED 43.09

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | When “my” vision isn’t coming to pass…

Have you ever really felt frustrated?

Frustrated. At one point in my life, that’s exactly how I felt when things weren’t going as I’d imagined. With time, I learned to recognize God’s hand in the setbacks and last-minute changes. I went from frustration to awareness. What does that mean? Here’s an example…

A few years ago, I went on a trip to Washington to preach the Word at a very important conference. I got organized; reserved my Airbnb room; took the plane; dealt with the jet lag; set aside time to prepare what I’d say; and when I got there, at the last second, everything was canceled. 

I decided, instead of focusing on the cancellation, to pay attention to the opportunity right in front of me. This “setback” made it possible for me to reconnect with an innovative, extraordinary man of God named Bobby Gruenewald. Bobby is the man who created YouVersion, the world’s #1 Bible App. And I believe that the Lord had a special plan for that day and what would come of it… 

Sometimes we stay there, at the red light, waiting until God wants to clear the way for us…But at the same time, He’s stopping traffic in another street and allowing all the lights to turn green. Could this be happening in your life even now, during this time when COVID-19 has changed everything? It’s a different path, another opportunity, but our eyes are so fixed on the initial plan that we don’t notice the extraordinary chance right before us.  

As the Bible says so well, “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8, NKJV) God doesn’t think like we do. He knows everything!

It may be that you have such a precise idea of your dream that you’re missing out on opportunities right under your nose! I invite you to consider the “green lights”—open doors in your favor—even if they don’t exactly correspond with what you were expecting. Whether it’s an unexpected career prospect that has the potential to develop your skills or a last-minute conversation with a friend you haven’t seen in years, pay attention to green lights!


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  1. Maria on 09/06/2020 at 11:51 AM

    Praise Him Eric,
    Thank you for existing. Every time I read a daily devotion from “A Miracle Everyday “ it seems that it pertains to something that I am going through that day or it a confirmation in my spirit. Today’s subject really touch my heart. Since this pandemic I had to take a leave from my job to care for my mother because her Adult Daycare closed temporary. I had no one else to care for her at all. So before I of this had taken place I wanted to find another job because my job was getting to me and everything was really bad, but every job interview I went on it was a door shut in my face, and I had the experience to do the job. So in a way this was a red light in my face. But when the world shut down and I had to take a Leave of Absence from my job the green light was right there for me to take my leave from the job the was getting on my last nerves. Had I went with my own head and found another job I would have been fire or layoff with no job to go back to at all. Then in this crisis I was still so tried that I still was resting because my mother was not sleeping at all at night. I didn’t know what was going on with her, so finally I taken her to emergency to fine out she had another stroke. It was a silent stroke because she didn’t have no symptoms of having one. I was very upset at myself because I didn’t notice. But she was admitted in the hospital and know with quarantine your not allow to be in the hospital,but because she was senior they let me stay until she was admitted to room. Now I when home and was not allowed back into the hospital. Which this was a red light for me not realizing the there a green light for me to have a break to rest and get myself together and everyone was saying to me God has open the door for me to enjoy so me time. No I didn’t want my mother to be sick but God also knew what I needed before I did. God is so good. So with that said thank you Eric for existing. I want to share my experience with you. I hope it wasn’t to long.

    • Faith on 09/06/2020 at 1:17 PM

      Amazing…When one door shuts, another opens – may the good Lord be with you and your mother, meeting you both at your place of need.

    • Stephine Couch on 09/06/2020 at 1:58 PM


  2. William Black on 09/06/2020 at 1:02 PM


  3. Michael on 09/06/2020 at 2:46 PM

    The Lord has blessed me in so many ways in the past 8 years or so and I’m very grateful for everything He’s done. However, I feel like I’m in a rut not knowing what to do and with no direction.
    I like to share Jesus.net and A Miracle Everyday on FB with my friends and family but now that’s not even working right.
    I share as much as I can and I also Pray but not nearly as much as I should because I don’t know if God’s hearing my Prayers. I don’t know if God’s listening because nothing’s happening in my life except for the day after day routine of work,come home and get up and do the same thing all over again.
    I desperately want to move to Pa to be closer to my Children and Family but that’s not panning out either. They want me there as much as I wanna be there and I keep telling them that God will make it happen in do time but this we’ve been waiting over 8 years now. I’m at a loss right now but I will not give up.

    • Maureen on 09/06/2020 at 7:37 PM

      Thank you Eric, again, this message pertains to me. I can see the green light during the Pandemic, because God was showing me that I needed to be closer to him for clarity in my situation for the past 14 years.
      I am trusting him, because his grace is sufficient for me.

      God bless you.

  4. Debbie Miller on 09/06/2020 at 5:57 PM

    I’m ♥ expecting a miracle in Jesus Mighty Powerful ? Name Amen

  5. Laura on 09/06/2020 at 8:48 PM

    This is absolutely amazing! I was just talking to my friend about this. I believe this was confirmation from God. Thanks for this.

    God Bless you and your families,


  6. Ann-marie Fewster on 10/06/2020 at 12:09 AM

    Thank you amen.

  7. Ken on 10/06/2020 at 3:40 PM

    Dear Eric,

    I haven’t forgotten about God and your ministry. I work in the Oilfielld and with the oil fields shutting down and Covid19 on top of that, money has been tight. I want to contribute to God and your cause to get the word out throughout the world and I will as soon as God starts opening doors for my family and myself. It’s been a tough ride for the past 5 years for my family and I but through it all God has provided. We still have a roof over our head, still paying some bills on time and others as we can and still have food to eat. God is So merciful. Thank You Lord. On top of all this I have been through the toughest trials and tribulations I have ever had to face in my whole life. I’m to blame for not keeping my priorities in place and focus on our Lord and Savior. There is a lot more to say but I’ll leave that to another day since this is probably longer than you like. Would you and your family of Christians pray for my family and myself, please? Thank you for existing and thank you Jesus our Lord and Savior. In Jesus name, Amen and Amen ?? ??

  8. Dan Mwesigwa on 11/06/2020 at 12:11 PM

    Wonderful encouragement indeed God works everything all together for those who love Him. “A Miracle A Day” is such a Spiritually Inspiring and refreshing read, only that I wish Eric would change it’s slogan from “Thanks for Existing” to “Thanks for Living” because it really makes us live by bringing us back to life when we despair and lose hope in the world due to what we’re experiencing. Thanks, Eric and Paul, God bless you.

  9. Anna on 12/06/2020 at 2:13 AM

    Good night beloved… stay focus… remember his strength is made perfect in your weakness… fear not he is with u always…

  10. Hortensia Guillen on 25/06/2020 at 10:17 AM

    Praise God! Thank you Lord. this green light
    Is the Virus out there I am not afraid for I kno you are with me. In my awareness I kno
    What I Have to do follow guidelines and wear my mask and waiting for whatever
    Planned you have for me (us).Amen!?✨

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