Who will go?

AMED 46.08

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The Great Commission is the most important mission a Christian can ever embrace. It is a holistic mission encompassing careers, sports, entertainment, relationships, eternity, mental health, science, government, law and education. In my mind, it answers all of the big whys and whats of life, such as “Why do I have to work?”, “What should I do with my life?”, and “Does God really care about me?” 

Have you said “Yes” to the Great Commission? Will you go, give, serve, teach and love?

The first time I heard about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I was in an arena after a hockey practice. Someone took the time to share about Jesus with unsuspecting and uninterested athletes. Uninterested, except for me and a guy named Mike. Mike was a Magnum PI-type guy. He was handsome and so hairy. I was a late bloomer and couldn’t even grow a mustache. For some divine reason, we both sat there while the rest of the team walked away. I’m not sure if Mike ever followed through with his faith, but I did. 

What would have happened to me if those Christians had never risked ridicule from a bunch of hockey players? I can assure you, I’d be dead, or an addict, or a lost soul.

God is always looking for people to go, to baptize and to teach: “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’(Isaiah 6:8, NIV) 

Go get them for Christ; pray them in; love them in; and see your friends, family and others come to Christ. Jesus will change their lives and their eternities. In turn, they’ll make disciples of all nations, one life at a time.

You can sit on the sidelines of life chasing shadows, or you can chase after the greatest mission of all time, the Great Commission. It’s all about souls.

You’re a miracle. 

Autograph Paul-yourfriend-black (1)

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