You Are Not Alone!


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I am not a doctor, a psychiatrist or a psychologist. I am a pastor, and the only story I have is the story of God’s grace to me. A part of my story is a little black rain cloud that I have battled for years. I never would have classified myself as depressed; maybe sad, maybe blue, maybe down but not depressed. My little black rain cloud grew into a full-blown hurricane about 14 years ago. I had no choice but to acknowledge the fact that I was actually depressed. I felt so alone, until I began to search the scripture and found out I was not alone! There were many people in scripture who had battled depression!  

The prophet Jeremiah said, “I am weary with my groaning and have found no rest”. (Jeremiah 45:3 NIV)

Finding out I was not alone opened my heart to begin a long journey to healing and hope. I am not going to give you “7 Steps to Defeating Depression.” I am, however, going to share with you how I have invited Jesus into my journey as I continue to pursue the miracle of joy! One of the strategic decisions I made in my battle with depression was this: I opened my soul to God’s restoration!

The words of the famous psalm put it this way, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23, NIV)

My friend, God restored my soul and invited my participation! I joined Him in the work of finding my way to the light. I pressed down deep. I saturated myself with God’s Word. I clung to God’s promises. 

I heard this truth a long time ago from a trusted pastor friend: In the night, a sailor cannot see land, nor can he get his bearings from the coastline. He must navigate by trusting the dimly lit buoys already set in place.

God promises that He will lead, guide and restore as we saturate our minds with His miraculous promises! Dear friend, if you don’t struggle with depression be thankful, but be watchful. If you have struggled in the past but are in a good season, be prepared and place the buoys of God’s Word in the water so that when the storm rages, you can find your way home. If you are struggling right now, you are not alone and the God of Heaven is on your side!

Thanks for taking time and allowing me to share a little of my story. There is more to come in the days ahead and God is going to do great things!

You are a miracle!

Handtekening Grant

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  1. Sharron Kibler on 01/10/2023 at 1:10 PM

    Amen ????????????????????

    • Zandile on 01/10/2023 at 2:48 PM

      Amen ????.

  2. Ana Sipling on 01/10/2023 at 1:52 PM

    Thank you so much, Grant! You have been such a blessing to me these many months that I have been listening to you! God bless you and your dear family! Congratulations on your first grandchild and I will continue to pray for all them especially your dear wife awaiting the miracle of restored sight! God be with you, my Brother in Christ, you are a miracle, too! With Christian Love!!

  3. Maggie M. on 01/10/2023 at 3:12 PM

    Thank You so much Pastor Grant for sharing from your heart! I sadly know all too well about depression, and it’s been a long journey for me since I lost my oldest Brother Billy at 18 1/2 years old in January of 1969, while standing at his bedside at only 3 1/2 years old watching my Mom try and revive him. Which traumatized me and her for most of my life. We lost our brother David at the age of 23 who was murdered in the Navy in July of 1978, my Mom last April to CA who had not been in my life since May of 2020, and my brother Steven (who had been estranged from me and 4 other brothers, and each other) who still shockingly ended his life last May 3rd. Throughout all my pain, sorrow and tears, Our Abba Father HAS NEVER LEFT MY SIDE and has BLESSED me with His unconditional love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, healing, comfort, strength, peace and joy, a wonderful loving husband of 28 years (October 2, 1996) and a big surrogate Family of brothers and sisters locally and worldwide from Elevation Church in NC, Christian Life Center, Tri-Life, Holden Chapel and St. Mary’s just to name a few. As I’m finishing my text to you, the Holy Spirit’s singing over me 1 of my FAV Michael Jackson songs, “YOU ARE NOT ALONE…I AM HERE WITH YOU…THO WE’RE FAR APART…YOU’RE ALWAYS IN MY HEART.”

    ~+~ AMEN ~+~

    • Terry F on 01/10/2023 at 3:30 PM

      A beautiful testimony. Thank you. May I remember your words when I feel fear and weakness of hope. God bless you.

  4. Poi on 01/10/2023 at 3:40 PM

    Amen ????????

  5. Magdy Kamel on 01/10/2023 at 4:58 PM


  6. Natalie on 01/10/2023 at 5:52 PM


  7. Katie Pena on 01/10/2023 at 6:14 PM

    Amen. Thank you Lord Jesus that I’m not alone. Thank you for the word.????️????????????????????????❤️

  8. William on 01/10/2023 at 6:57 PM

    AMEN ????

  9. Linda on 02/10/2023 at 12:51 AM

    AMEN ???? ???? ????

  10. Sylvia on 03/10/2023 at 12:11 PM

    Bouys wow great reminder and way of finding your way through. Thank you ???? God bless ???? you ????

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