You can experience absolute joy

AMED 58.29

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | You can experience absolute joy

Are you experiencing more joy yet? I am for sure. As I started studying joy, I found so many references to it in the Bible. The psalmist tells us we can experience absolute joy: “You lead me in the path of life; I experience absolute joy in Your presence; You always give me sheer delight.” (Psalms 16:11, NET) Wow! That sounds like fun but a little impossible with the whole world in turmoil. So let’s break down this verse and see if we can find out how to seize this type of absolute joy. 

Are you ready for three secrets to finding joy and living in it? 

  1. God will lead you in the path of life. I can only imagine that in Psalms 16, David is referring to the abundant life that Jesus later mentioned in John 10:10: “‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.’” (NET)
  2. David experienced absolute joy in the presence of God. You can find the same joy in the presence of God. Do you know how to enter His presence? 
  3. God always gave David sheer delight. Now that’s something I want. How about you? Sheer delight is possible, and God wants to give it to you. 

I recently had three of my grandkids with me in my cabin on a mountain. It was delightful. It was hilarious. I laughed so much during those two days. I gave them so many marshmallows, ice cream treats, and chocolate bars, then simply watched them bounce off the walls, trees, and mountains. I experienced joy in their presence. We shot BB guns, found a rattlesnake, climbed a mountain, and watched movies till late at night. 

Where do you find absolute joy? Could it be your time to find joy, first in the presence of God and then as He leads you the rest of the way? I’m praying that you will walk in these three secrets because you are a miracle. And I love you more than ping pong.

Autograph Paul-yourfriend-black (1)

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  1. Leah Adams on 29/09/2021 at 12:17 PM

    Hi Paul! Thank you for this devotional. Absolute Joy! It’s so wonderful to feel the presence of God all around you all day and night. Am I the weird one that does? Doesn’t most of the Christians out there experience this? I’m retired and single with a very simple life that doesn’t have a lot of the distractions of life with job, kids, etc. I do still work from home so I’m not in the “Corporate America” rat race. However, when I did work outside the home I did listen to my Bible when I was in the car. I talked to God as if He was sitting there with me. I found the time to realize and bask in the presence of God. But this was after I “chose” to have Jesus as my Savior and Good Shepherd. You see, I used to live for Leah (even though I was a “Christian”, I was NOT living for Him) and now that’s not quite so prevalent. Yes, I’m human and yes, I still falter. But to live in His presence is glorious. I never want to go back to my previous life. Now is good. Now I’m learning and growing closer to Jesus every day. It’s a choice. You have to make the choice to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. I had to shed a lot of “Leah” to get here and it wasn’t easy some times. But it’s so worth it! Thanks Paul Marc Goulet. Have a glorious day in the Lord experiencing “Absolute Joy”!
    In Him,

  2. Michael Hauschild on 29/09/2021 at 12:17 PM

    Hi Paul,

    Thank you for today’s Miracle Message. I haven’t experienced the Absolute Joy you’re referring to in Psalm 16 yet. I pray as I spend my personal time with the Lord, I will also experience it as well.
    Greetings to you from the Philippines.

    God bless you and your family.

  3. Sandra J Carlo on 29/09/2021 at 4:16 PM

    Thank you for being “NORMAL”! Why do I say that? I think people forget that Pastors have other names beside “Pastor”. Like “ Dad, Grandpa “Hon”( what I normally call by husband) ( my husband is Sr Pastor of our church) life does go on beyond the church even for Pastors. Have a blessed day & yes enjoy that great family God has given you. We are several years older than you, already in our 70’s . Guess what ? Those little ones you are enjoying May be out of your reach before you know it. KEEP BEING THAT FUN GRANDPA & CHERISH EVERY MOMENT WITH THEM!

  4. Teresita+Mallari on 29/09/2021 at 6:25 PM

    Thank you Paul for the devotional every day.

  5. on 30/09/2021 at 12:08 AM

    Thank you for this exciting message. Its great to be able to experience such joy. Thanks be to our Lord amen God bless

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