Publication date Jun 24, 2024

You might not understand this yet...

Publication date Jun 24, 2024

Do you know those moments when you think: "This can't be! I almost experienced it!"

I actually experienced this when I was flying from the Fiji Islands to another island in a small plane. Everything seemed suspicious to me at that moment, with the loud rattling of the plane. And yes, when I wanted to fly back after a week, I found out that the plane had crashed.

When the Crossair plane from Berlin to Zurich was about to fly back and crashed, I was the flight attendant who had to fly the route to Berlin the next day. If I had been assigned to that route a day earlier, I would have been on board.

friend, perhaps you're feeling this way today, thinking: "This doesn't make sense! Why is my life going like this?" And if you're honest, it's hard for you to trust God because what's happening in your life right now is simply not what you wished for.

"Jesus replied, 'You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.'" (John 13:7 NLT). This is such an important verse, friend. Such an important verse!

- Whether we receive an unexpected bill, for which God already has an unexpected solution (someday you will understand...while experiencing a miracle!).- Or when your child is going astray (someday you will understand, perhaps because God will powerfully encounter them there).- Or even something painful, like the breakup with your supposed great love (someday you will understand, because God has prepared the perfect love for you).

Giving God your complete trust means: Continuing to live, even without understanding everything right away!

Shall we pray together for this, friend?

"Father, please help me accept it when you say 'No' to something. Because I know that you have good intentions for me and have prepared every day of my life in love. Amen."

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!