The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer is a Christian prayer that, according to the New Testament,
Jesus taught as the way to pray.
Jesus had many followers while he walked this earth. They went around with him on his mission and called him “Rabbi” which means “teacher” in Hebrew.
The only time we have recorded that Jesus’ followers asked him to teach them something specific is in regards to prayer. One day while Jesus was casually talking to them, them they ask, “Teach us to pray.” What followed is the famous “Lord’s Prayer”. It’s safe to guess that as Jesus disciples spent three years with him they saw how he communicated with the Heavenly Father, and recognized it as unique, special, different from how the other ‘Rabbi’s’ prayed. So Jesus taught them this prayer that over thousands of years, millions of people have prayed and still do to this day.

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever.
The Lord’s Prayer in The Chosen
The Lord’s Prayer in The Chosen
The Lord’s Prayer in the Bible
The Lord’s Prayer is not something written by men. Jesus – whom his followers believe to be the son of God – himself taught it to his disciples and friends. You can read it yourself in the Bible, for example in Matthew 6. It is wonderful to have this God given guide to prayer. You might be new to prayer and finding the right words feels challenging, using Jesus’ own words is a great place to start. And you never have to move on from it. Even people who have been Christians a long time use this beautiful, powerful prayer.
Can you make up your own prayer?
Prayer, or praying, is all about being in a relationship to God. In the Bible Jesus says that when we come to him as Lord and Saviour, we are immediately adopted as God’s own children! That means prayer can be as simple as having a good relationship with our loving Father. So you can pray The Lord’s Prayer, but you can also talk from your heart to God. This does not have to be formal, or according to certain rules or with certain words. Feel free to say whatever comes to your mind! The Bible tells us that our Father cares for us, so there is nothing to big or to small to bring to Him in prayer.

Free Prayer Course
Do you like this prayer that Jesus taught us, but would you rather discover how to pray yourself? We have set up a free online course where, during 9 daily moments, you will be working on deepening your relationship with Jesus through prayer. You can simply follow it while sitting behind your laptop on the couch. Find out more in this free course! Easy, safe and anonymous.