
Why Did Jesus Become Human?

When it comes to the mysteries of God, it's an exciting adventure to explore and try to understand them. Even if it is difficult to grasp that God would choose to become human, it is still good to try. There are entire books written about this topic, but we have simmered it down to simplify, there are two main reasons.

The back of a baby's feet

Why does it matter?

Many religions have great prophets, many have important human figures. If you look back to Greek or Roman mythology, the idea of gods coming to earth to be among the people was common in many stories. But Christianity is unique in its claim that God became a man and lived on earth as a human being. We call this ‘incarnation’. It literally means deity putting on flesh; humanity. So why does it matter? Why did God himself have to become like one of his creations? To enter into real human life; messy, hard, and painful? When it comes to the mysteries of God, it's an exciting adventure to explore and try to understand them. Even if it is difficult to grasp that God would choose to become human, it is still good to try. There are entire books written about this topic, but we have simmered it down to simplify, there are two main reasons.

First, God became human
to save us

The God who became man is nothing less than part of God’s original plan

And because this savior should be without sin, He was born from a virgin

Only a human being can pay the price

Second, God became human to
be known by us

God becoming human is God coming near

We can get to know God

Redeeming Physicality

Elevating the Lowly

It is absolutely essential to understand that while Jesus, being God’s son, was born a human being, he is still God. He never stopped being God. It’s core to the Chrisitain faith that Jesus was fully God and fully human at the same time. Neither his deity or his humanity was diminished in any way. This is a profound and beautiful mystery.

The I AM Series

In this twelve-segment video series, examine seven staggering statements Jesus makes in the Gospel of John, and consider how His statements are relevant to you today.