General information

The non-profit “Foundation” is the international umbrella organism for exists by the presence of all the participating partners all over the world. This non-profit is registered in Rotterdam, de Watertorenweg 172 in the Netherlands. The Dutch fiscal number (RSIN) is 851832489.


The Foundation has the following goals:

  1. to spread the gospel worldwide through the internet, in particular by means of the dissemination of the vision: “to imagine a world with every person having free access to the gospel, knowing God, growing in Jesus and sharing faith easily”;

  2. to develop and to protect the logo, the domain name, and other intellectual and non-intellectual property connected with the internet strategy of;

  3. to stimulate the development and realization of the vision of, and also to protect the profile of;

  4. to cooperate with other (similar) organizations and to support the “partners”.

Activities of

The umbrella organism exists of people, provided by the Partners, to support the overall network. The main goal is to help all the partners to perform as well as possible. This is done by the preparation or execution of the following activities:

  • Development of new tools

  • Marketing support in the countries

  • Branding of the movement of

  • Technical support of several websites, so the partners can focus on content and follow-up

  • Support in implementing new tools and

  • Assist in performing better with existing tools.

This is done by having phone calls, visiting partners, organizing conferences, and doing training. The Foundation offers the tools (software and other media), training, and support. The majority of the work is done by using the online possibilities as well as possible.

Besides this, is expanding the network with new partners worldwide.


The following people represent the board of

:Management board:

  • Celerier, Eric (President)

  • Barry, Chantal (Chairman)

  • Allat, Reg (Member)


  • Bosman, Jan-Willem


The foundation has the goal to keep the costs low and to work efficiently for the partners. The costs of the foundation are:

  • People that work for the foundation (since 2017)

  • Administrative and legal costs

  • General costs of (incl. branding)

  • Travel expenses to visit new and existing partners.

  • Stimulation contributions: in some cases, we stimulate partners with some initial investments

You can download the Financial reports here