
Tips to de-stress: What does Jesus say about rest?

The self-help books hardly fit on the shelf anymore. The collection of podcasts are endless. Magazines are full of them, and there are a myriad of coaches who want to help you. With what? The search for peace. A popular theme in these busy, stress fulled times. So who is the ultimate rest coach? The answer may surprise you: Jesus! Why Jesus? What does Jesus have to say about rest? Well, quite a lot actually. 

Hot water poured into a clear cup with a teabag

Jesus About Rest

Jesus life is very busy. He always has people around him. Often people with sky-high expectations, always going against the grain. That must have been exhausting. Yet Jesus perseveres. What does Jesus say about rest? What is his “secret”? 

Pressing the Pause Button

Anyone who thinks Jesus was always “on” is wrong. Jesus regularly hit the pause button. If you read the stories about Jesus in the Bible, you can actually discover good tips for de-stressing.

Tips for De-stressing

1. Spend Some Time Alone

Jesus isolates himself on a regular basis. He made sure to have time is alone. No people for a while. No expectations. Even before he began his mission, he first secluded himself in the desert for 40 days. To be with His Father (God). You can read several times that Jesus seeks a solitary place to pray and rest. Examples: 

  • Jesus took moments of silence early in the morning.

  • The people won't leave Jesus alone for a moment. They all want to hear his words and see miracles. He deliberately sails to a quiet place to unwind. Unfortunately, he is not always granted that rest.

  • Just before he is arrested, Jesus takes time by himself from the group. He wants to pray. He asks his friends to stay awake and wait for him.

2. Gather Good Friends Around You

3. Ask For Help

4. Speak Your Mind

5. Don’t Let Others Rule Your Emotions

6. Don’t Focus on Rules

7. It's OK to say No

8. Don’t Get Caught up in the Details

9. Live Out Your Passion

10. Take Time with God Regularly

The last tip is actually the most important one of all. In fact, this tip should be number 1. This tip is at number 10 because it encompasses everything. All the tips and all the examples came from Jesus taking time with God. The choices Jesus made, the stories he shared, the friends he chose, the miracles he performed; they all find their source in God. Everything Jesus knows about rest and teaches us comes from God. One of the best ways to spend time with God is to read the Bible. Check out one of our many reading plans if you are not sure where to start. Here is one our most popular, Psalm 1.

Jesus is not a ‘Zen’ Master

These tips to de-stress are not meant to put Jesus down as some kind of “zen” master. Jesus’ message was certainly not to focus on rest and happiness in your life. Or that a life with Jesus will keep you free from stress and adversity. The key is in the connection with God. That’s where Jesus finds peace and the strength to go to extremes. To keep going despite the opposition. Despite the storm. The more you read the Bible, the more you will discover what Jesus and rest have to do with each other.

Are you looking for rest but can’t find it? Talk through with our e-coaches and ask your questions or share your story.