What does the Bible say about rest?
Do you have a restless heart? Do you struggle quiet your mind? The Bible is full of texts about rest. Even in the first Bible book Genesis we see clearly how important God rest is for us humans. The book describes how God made the world and how He takes rest to enjoy his creation. Not only that but the very first human spent their very first day on earth resting with God! In addition to physical rest, the Bible often speaks of rest and peace for the soul.
What does the Bible say about rest?
Tired, weary on a soul level?
If you are tired to the depths of your soul, it is very possible you have not be resting in a way that is truly restful. Today we often sit and watch tv and call it rest. Or even worse we are to driven by our need for accomplishment, we don't ever slow down. We wear 'busyness" as a badge of honor, including the fatigue that comes with it. But when we spin out wheels constantly and never take time for true rest life begins to feel frenetic, you can start to feel disconnected within yourself. Slowly or all of the sudden life feel chaotic and out of your control. This is not how our good Father, God, created us to live.
Consider this your official invitation to explore what it means to truly rest.
Do you have questions about these Bible verses? Or are you looking for peace but can’t find it? Our e-coaches are happy to discuss further with you. Send us a message here.