What Happened at Christmas? – A Star!
It is nighttime. Everyone is asleep, but you and a few others are still awake. You look up. There is not a cloud in the dark sky. The perfect night to study the stars. You can quickly spot a number of constellations. You almost know the night sky by heart. But what is that? Out of the corner of your eye you see something big twinkling. It is a star, but you have never seen one before! What could that mean? Excited, you run with the rest of the astronomers to the old predictions and writings about stars, and there it is…

Kings? Wise men? Magicians?
Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar. According to tradition, these are the names of the three kings who came to little Jesus with luxurious gifts. To be honest, we don't know what these guys were called and there were probably more than three of them. The Bible calls these men 'wise' and 'magicians' from the East, far away from Bethlehem, Judea. So we know that they were very learned and that they were busy interpreting stars, constellations (astrology) and magic. A very different religion than where Jesus lived.
The men probably had a workshop or study place that was full of writings about stars and their meanings. But also all kinds of writings with predictions and prophecies. There must also have been an open roof or a roof terrace where you could look at the starry sky in good weather. Light pollution was not really an issue back then, so it must have looked beautiful!
A new king?
After seeing the star, the men immediately dive into the scriptures. After studying, they discover the meaning of the star. A new king of the Jews has been born. They gather everything they need and set off for Jerusalem, where King Herod lives. When they arrive, they say: “Where can we find the new king of the Jews? We have seen his star rising in the East. Let us honor him and bring him gifts” (Matthew 2:2). King Herod was shocked. A new king? Already? That means that he would soon have to leave the throne and that another ruler would come to power. It reminds him of the prophecy about the Messiah, the savior and ruler of the Jewish people. And according to the prophecies, the Messiah is born in Bethlehem. King Herod sends the wise men to Bethlehem with the words: “Go and find the child. When you have found him, let me know. I will go and honor him and bring him gifts.” But King Herod does not tell us that he does not want to honor the child but to kill him, in order to secure his own position as ruler.
To Bethlehem
And so the wise men set out for Bethlehem. The star goes before them and shows them the way. After a while of traveling, the star stands still. The wise men enter a house. And in that ordinary house they find the new king and his mother. Mary and Jesus. Full of wonder and reverence, they kneel down before him and worship him. Then they give him gifts: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. Royal gifts for a royal child!
On the night before the wise men want to leave for King Herod, they have a dream. In that dream, God warns them about King Herod's evil plans. The wise men listen to the warning and travel back to their country via another route. Their hearts undoubtedly burn the entire return journey from everything they have seen and experienced. The new king did not come only for the Jews, but also for them.
What a special story. A star tells the good news of a new saving King. God does not limit the good news to the Jews only. God tells astrologers from a foreign country via a star in the sky that Jesus, the Messiah, has been born. Especially so that these wise men would see that, and go looking for little Jesus. Jesus did not come only for the Jews, or the Christians, Jesus is there for everyone, even if you do not believe in him yet. God invites the wise men to come and see Jesus. And that invitation still stands. Also for you!
The Christmas Star: An Invitation for You!
So when you walk past the houses in the dark and see a Christmas star hanging behind the window... then you can see that as an invitation from God to you. He invites you to take a look at His son Jesus. He is there for everyone. For the shepherds, for Joseph and Mary, for the wise men and for you! That happened at Christmas. Do you want to experience the Christmas story from the wise men even further? Then here are a few tips for you!
Read the story in the Bible
Listen to the song ‘Star Of Wonder’ by Phil Wickham

Let's Celebrate The True Christmas!
Celebrate the true meaning of Christmas with this 5-day devotional, focusing on Jesus' love, joy, and hope for the season.