God has plans for you

AMED 40.08

Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | God has plans for you


Today, Paul Marc Goulet wrote the message of “A Miracle Every Day”. I pray his message and audio will bless you today.

Could it be that you are on this Earth with a significant purpose? 

I remember walking the streets of Montreal one day, thinking that I had a big purpose in my life. It was kind of weird; it just came to my mind that I was on this Earth for a purpose. Unfortunately, that feeling was short-lived. A move to Europe, a broken ankle and broken dreams seemed to have taken over. 

Can you relate to my story? 

The apostle Paul once asked this question: “You were running a good race. Who cut in on you…?” (Galatians 5:7, NIV)

Man, who cut in on me? I had a great sense of purpose with a plan and I worked so hard, but adversity seemed to be pounding me at almost every turn. 

Have you ever given up on your dreams? Have you ever compromised or veered off track? 

Do you believe that God has a plan for your life? 

Jeremiah 29:11 has been a big promise for you: “For I know the plans I have for you…”.

Are you just living paycheck to paycheck, or have you found a divine purpose? Do you work for a salary or for significance? 

God does have a plan for you, and He wants to reveal it to you. I believe that you will find it and live it by: 

  1. Asking the Holy Spirit to reveal it to you.
  2. Reading the Word daily. It’s living and active. 
  3. Trying new things. You’ll keep getting what you get if you keep doing what you do.
  4. Seeking counsel from others.
  5. Taking courses and reading new books. 

Personal growth is optional, so choose to build a life of purpose and significance. And please never give up or give in, because you were made for miracles. 

You’re a miracle!

Paul Marc Goulet


Thank you, Paul Marc, for sharing this today!

P.S. Today, on International Women’s Day, we celebrate our Creator for His love and His plans for each of us, regardless of whether we’re male or female. :-) Each woman’s value is the same as each man’s because both are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). May every woman (and every man) reading this email today live in the fullness of Christ in our generation. Let’s make a difference through the power of His love! 


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  1. Edwin M LaFumee on 08/03/2020 at 11:38 AM

    Many times in my life i have asked this question again & again

  2. Cela K on 08/03/2020 at 2:04 PM

    Each one of us serves a significant purpose in the family of Christ! We are here to bring glory to God, share the message of salvation, and to use the talents God has given us to bless others. Look for an opportunity to bless someone’s life today. That act of kindness might be more significant to that individual than you may ever know.

  3. William Weber on 08/03/2020 at 8:51 PM

    In Jesus’s name Amen Amen Lord Jesus Amen Amen

  4. Edlyn on 09/03/2020 at 1:51 AM

    Thank you so much for this…I really needed to hear this.

  5. Hortensia on 09/03/2020 at 9:14 AM

    Thank you Paul Marc for sharing..
    God’s purpose for us, His significance came into the world to know Him as the son of God worthy as children of God Creator to know Him serve Him to love ❤️ him and believe in Him Is Our Lord God and Savior died for us for our salvation Life Eternity Amen.

  6. Katie on 09/03/2020 at 5:57 PM

    Thank You for that beautiful message.

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