A healthy fear
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." (Proverbs 4:23, NIV)
I'm sure you've heard this verse many times, and it's definitely one you should hear at least once a day, too!
friend, have you ever wondered, especially with this verse that is so familiar and important, what it means to "guard your heart"? A logical explanation would be taking care of your heart, paying attention to what might affect it, similar to the way you'd look after a child in your care. But I believe there is a much greater explanation.
For example, how do you show respect for people you admire? You think of them highly, you appreciate who they are and what they do, and you take them seriously. At the same time, you may be a bit afraid of doing something that's not right around them.
Do you see what I'm getting at, friend? It's a thought to meditate on because it's not the usual course. Instead, it's one that will protect you in the long run.
Guarding your heart involves fostering that quiet, healthy fear that says, "What's going on in my mind actually may not be the truth."
Our thoughts and feelings can be deceptive. They may tell us that we'll never be happy and our lives don't make sense. But it's important to have a healthy fear, or respect, for those thoughts and feelings rather than ignoring them or just blindly accepting them. Did you know that you actually don't have to accept every thought or feeling you have?
God's Word tells us that "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV)
When you pay close attention to the thoughts and feelings of your heart, friend, you can then take every one captive! You counter them with God's truth. You make them obedient to Christ!
As you do this, I can assure you…you will see how His truth brings amazing freedom to your life! :-)
You are a miracle!