Publication date Mar 3, 2025

“A Season of Calling”

Publication date Mar 3, 2025

Thank you for joining me on another week of A Miracle Every Day. I would love to pray for us at the beginning of our weeklong journey together...

Lord, help us to listen closely to Your voice. We trust that You have a plan for our lives, even when we can’t see it all. Help us to walk in obedience to the calling You have given us. May we be bold and faithful in stepping out, knowing You will equip us every step of the way. I am so grateful for my friend, friend, and ask that you would confirm Your calling in their life this week. Amen.

I have been watching the weather out of my window today and I feel like every season has been represented at some point! In the past hour, I have seen wind, rain, sunshine, and now, SNOW! It’s a great reminder to me how quickly the seasons of our lives can change.

The prophet Elijah was a bold man, at times. In other seasons, he was covered in fear and exhaustion. Listen to him speak God’s truth, as he fulfilled his initial calling as a prophet or “forth-teller” of God’s truth to a wicked king:

“Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, 'As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word.'” (1 Kings 17:1 NIV

friend, life begins with a calling. It may not always be clear at first, but each one of us has been called by God to a high purpose. For Elijah, his call was not glamorous—he was to deliver a message of judgment to a king who didn’t want to hear it. As we look at Elijah’s life, we see a prophet who stepped up when called, despite the risks and dangers. Elijah had to speak hard truths to a corrupt king and an idolatrous nation. His message wasn’t one of blessing, but one of warning. That is a difficult calling!

But here’s the beautiful thing: God doesn’t just call the equipped. He equips those He calls! Elijah’s calling seemed impossible at first—standing alone before a king, delivering a message of drought and famine, and yet, God gave him the strength to carry it out, and Elijah became one of the most powerful prophets in Israel.

friend, have you ever felt God's call on your life? It might not be as dramatic as Elijah’s, but God has a miraculous purpose for you! He’s given you gifts, talents, and passions that align with His purpose. 

I have a question for you that I have been contemplating myself: Has Jesus been whispering to you, asking you to step out in faith, to trust Him in a new season, or to speak His truth into a situation? Have you been obedient?

This is the miraculous news—you don’t have to wait for everything to be perfect! Right now, you can step forward in obedience, even when the road seems unclear or difficult. God has already gone ahead of you and will equip you along the way!

Take just a moment. What is God calling you to do? Is there an area where you’ve been reluctant to step into, perhaps because it feels too challenging? Whether it’s a ministry, a relationship, or a purpose at work, remember that your calling is sacred and special and Jesus has uniquely designed you to fulfill it!

Today, let’s embrace this season as one that is filled with purpose AND potential!

Well, the sun just broke out again! May the SON OF GOD pour out His miracles on you as you fulfill His calling today! And never forget—you are a miracle!

Grant Fishbook

Lead Teaching Pastor @ctkbellingham or, just a regular guy passionately following Jesus!