Publication date Mar 6, 2025

“A Season of Fear and Despair”

Publication date Mar 6, 2025

Have you noticed the different seasons in Elijah’s life as we’ve looked at his story in 1 Kings over the past few days?

He went from seasons of abundance to seasons of need—quickly! He moved from a time of great faith to times of doubt and despair. I am so grateful that God met Elijah in each and every season, just like He meets you and me in ours. 

Having just observed God meet His needs through a series of miracles, Elijah moves into a moment of epic confrontation! One of the most famous stories of Elijah’s life is His epic encounter with the Prophets of Baal on the top of Mount Carmel. God shows His power, and Elijah gets a front-row seat on God’s victory, and then, it all comes crashing down. 

Have you ever had a moment of incredible spiritual victory, followed by an immense challenge? You are not alone! Elijah went from provision to a dry brook; from there he journeys to the miracle of the oil and flour. From there, he continues to the mountaintop victory of Mount Carmel and then, he ends up in a place of need—AGAIN!

After Elijah’s incredible victory on Mount Carmel, where God sent fire to consume the sacrifice (see 1 Kings 18), everything changed in a moment. Jezebel, the queen, threatened Elijah’s life, and fear took over. Elijah ran for his life, fleeing into the wilderness, feeling utterly defeated. Listen to the words of the Bible:

“Elijah was afraid and ran for his life.” (1 Kings 19:3 NIV)  

How could the prophet who had just experienced such a mighty move of God now be so afraid?

Fear and despair are emotions that even the strongest of us feel. Elijah had been on the mountaintop one moment, and the next, he was overwhelmed with fear. It’s a reminder that no one is immune to feelings of discouragement, even after great victories. When we face fear or despair, it’s easy to forget what God has already done for us!

friend, if you find yourself in a season of fear, know that you are not alone. God doesn’t condemn us for feeling afraid or discouraged. Instead, He meets us in those moments and gently reminds us of His faithfulness. Elijah was running in fear, but God wasn’t angry with him. Instead, God provided rest and nourishment for him, knowing he was physically and emotionally exhausted (see 1 Kings 19).

friend, God can and will change ANYTHING to make sure your needs are met! You have nothing to fear, knowing that this same God is caring for you in every way!

My friend, what fears are weighing you down? What areas of your life feel overwhelming? Let God remind you that fear doesn’t define you, and despair doesn’t have the final word. God is near, even when you’re in the valley!

Let’s pray: God, when fear grips our hearts, remind us of Your power and Your faithfulness. Help us to see beyond our emotions and even our reality, and to trust that You are with us, even in the darkest moments. Thank you for providing for us, even in times of fear! Amen.

Never forget my friend...

You are a miracle!

Grant Fishbook

Lead Teaching Pastor @ctkbellingham or, just a regular guy passionately following Jesus!