Publication date Oct 21, 2021

According to His promise

Publication date Oct 21, 2021

Has anyone ever made you a promise but didn’t fulfill it? Yeah, me too, and it hurt really badly. It seriously affected my ability to trust people, especially authority figures. Unfortunately, my hurt turned into mistrust and then evolved into bitterness and cynicism. 

I left home at the age of 15 and tried to make it on my own. Life can be hard and lonely when you are on your own. Can you relate to my pain? 

Deep in my heart, I believe God the Father used my hurt to draw me close to Him. He made promises and kept them. He is trustworthy and faithful to fulfill every promise in His Word. The Bible says, “Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” (2 Peter 3:13, NKJV) We can count on God because “according to” His promise, there will be new heavens and a new Earth in which righteousness dwells. 

friend, that was really good news to the first-century Christians because they were persecuted and killed by the tens of thousands. They endured the pain because they knew God was not a liar. God promised a new heaven and Earth and a better life that they would inherit. 

I know this promise is true. Five years ago in the back of an ambulance, I was dying. My body was losing its battle, and my spirit seemed to be floating in the ambulance. It was as if I was looking down on the paramedics, who were frantically calling out, “Don’t leave us, Mr. Goulet!” I felt suspended between Earth and a real heaven full of peace and love. I had no fear of death. 

friend, there really is a heaven, and it’s prepared for us. Didn’t Jesus say, “‘In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.’” (John 14:2, NKJV)? Oh my, it must be a marvelous place because He’s been preparing it for 2,000 years.

Don’t be afraid of the future because He made a promise and will certainly keep it. You are loved by Him, and you are a miracle.

Paul Marc Goulet