All of This Happened So That…

“All of this happened to fulfill what the Lord had said through His prophet: ‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel,’ which means ‘God with us.’” (Matthew 1:22-23 NLT)
“All of this happened so that…”—but what exactly happened? The verses before this explain it, and I’d like to translate the content directly into your language: “All of this happened so that…” includes all the complications that arose before people actually experienced God’s promise.
Complication #1Mary became pregnant, pregnant by an “unknown”Complication #2Joseph must have been deeply hurt by this; there were whispers, and others probably gossip about the two of them.Complication #3The financial situation in the country was unstable (sounds familiar, doesn’t it?).Complication #4Mary and Joseph had to leave their home. At a time when, because of the circumstances, they probably wanted nothing more than to hide away there.Complication #5Where they had to travel, there was no room for them. They didn’t feel welcome.
And the list of complications could go on. All of this happened so that… so that you would understand that nothing in your life looks impossible from God’s perspective!
Maybe you’re looking back on your year and thinking, “Everything went wrong; there’s no way this can end well…”
And Jesus looks at you from the manger with a smile and says, “People thought the same thing before My birth! It was a pretty complicated situation.”
But: “All of this happened so that…” so that you can look at your life today and, despite everything, confidently say, “Now I understand! Jesus was born to prove that through Him, the impossible becomes possible!”
friend, that same verse says, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God with us.’” (Matthew 1:22-23 NLT)
God is with you, friend! In your greatest mess, in your biggest chaos. That’s why you can trust that everything that didn’t go as planned might just be the beginning of your greatest miracle!
Christmas means: “What starts out complicated ends with a miracle!”That’s Christmas—believing in the One who makes the impossible possible, even for you!
You are a miracle!