Publication date Feb 14, 2023

An open heart to God 💓

Publication date Feb 14, 2023

It's Valentine's Day today! Let's talk a bit more about our hearts today. 🙂 friend, would you agree with me that it can be a formidable struggle to protect and guard our hearts? One big reason is that we're constantly inundated with information in our day and age—information about world events; information about others; and last but not least, information about ourselves.

All it takes sometimes is a slightly odd look from a passersby to throw us off track, and we wonder, "Is there something wrong with me?"

friend, if you say, "yes, I can relate!", you're only human. I deliberately say "only" because you can't process this great influx of information with your human abilities and categorize it properly, no matter how hard you try.

Some people will try to protect their hearts by building walls, pretending indifference to feelings and emotions as a whole. Others are fragile and take everything so personally that they spend their lives trying to get back up again, only to collapse in the next slightest storm.

Can I tell you something? It's life-threatening to try to make it work on your own. In fact, it's impossible (see John 15:5).  We can break apart from trying to do it ourselves, even if it seems to the outside world that nothing affects us.

There is only One who can perfectly protect your heart! The question is "Will you let Him do it?"

I believe that sometimes we want to keep God from our hearts as well, even though He wants to do the protecting. friend, He wants to fill your heart with the truth…the truth that you are enough; the truth that nothing in this world or even in your family surprises Him; the truth that He already has the answer to every question, the solution to every problem.

I encourage you this day, on Valentine's Day…let the Lord work in your heart. Allow Him to do for you what only HE can do. :-)

If you'd like, please join me in saying this short prayer today that's based on Lamentations 3:41…"Lord, I choose to raise my heart and hands towards You! I submit to You and allow You to work inside of me. In Jesus' name, amen." 

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!