Publication date Jan 5, 2025

Others Blocking Your Mission?

Publication date Jan 5, 2025

Maybe you’ve experienced this in your life, friend. Or maybe you will…

God begins to bring the plan that’s been on your heart for so long into action. And just when things are going well, everyone wants to be involved. But perhaps you’ve also experienced how being involved can turn into wanting attention too, and suddenly, your mission seems to suffer because of it.

friend, Moses experienced this in his own family! While God was giving him the tablets of the law on the mountain—what a holy moment—and he, as the leader of the whole team (to put it in today’s terms), was away for a while, Aaron allowed the people—his other team members—to embrace another god. He even supported the making of the golden calf! (See Exodus 32:15-24 NLT

What a disappointment for Moses! His own brother led the people astray while he was away for just a short time! friend, how would you react? Maybe you’d say, “I’ll never speak to you again!” And maybe that’s exactly what happened in your family or among your friends…

Do you know how Moses reacted? It says, “Moses went back to the Lord and said, ‘Oh, what a great sin these people have committed… please forgive them!’” (Exodus 32:31-32 NLT).

What a heart posture, friend! Wow!

If we react out of hate, we’ll ruin everything.But if we respond out of love, God will act!

Moses could have argued with Aaron. But it says, “Moses went back to the Lord.” (Exodus 32:31 NLT). Fighting will destroy; love will make the path straight.

Moses could have thought, “Now I’m completely alone in my mission. My brother and the people just don’t get what this is all about.” And maybe you know that feeling of disappointment and loneliness in your calling, friend.

But look at the wonderful thing God said to Moses in that moment:“Now go! Lead the people… My angel will go before you!” (Exodus 32:34 NLT). 

friend, always stand for peace, because God will NEVER leave you alone in your mission!

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!