Publication date Jun 13, 2020
Are you afraid of intimacy?
Publication date Jun 13, 2020
Today, co-writer Paul Marc Goulet wrote the message of "A Miracle Every Day". I pray his message and audio will bless you today.
Intimacy with God is both elusive and attainable. In my experience, it seems that intimacy with God is something that most people want but are afraid of.
friend, are you afraid of being close to God?
While I was reading 2 Peter 1:8, I was shaken by a promise: “The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:8, NLT)
God wants to be intimate with you and with me. He wants you to get to know Him better.
Moses had this type of hunger for God. Do you remember his big request? “Now show me your glory.” (Exodus 33:18, NIV)
friend, do you really want to get to know God better? Do you want to be intimate with God?
I believe the Bible gives us a road map to this elusive goal. I’d recommend these three steps:
- Add the seven qualities described in 2 Peter 1:5-7, and you’ll grow in the knowledge of God.
- Ask God to forgive you for all your sins and mistakes. He inhabits clean vessels.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to fill your body, soul and spirit.