Publication date Jan 6, 2025

Are You Doing This FOR God, or WITH God?

Publication date Jan 6, 2025

Are you doing what you’re doing for God, friend, with God?Yes, you need to hear the question again: Are you doing what you’re doing for God, with God?

Many years ago, when I became known as ”the singing flight attendant” and was seen on all the red carpets, I was amazed by what God was doing for me at that time! I got to experience so much and often share how God had freed me from life-threatening eating disorders, and I got to tell people on TV and among the celebrities I met how important my faith in God was to me.

All of this was celebrated by fellow Christians. But then that phase ended. My producer always said, The question is, after this hype, after this wave of success, are you ready to get on your knees and work hard on your music in secret, without the applause of people?”

And he was right. For the next FOUR YEARS, it was silent around me. I began working on my knees—literally. I had to first recognize WHY God had given me such a platform. It was about more than just being amazed by what God was doing for me.

When God does something FOR YOU, it’s because He wants to do something THROUGH YOU.

And I hadn’t grasped that yet! Even the wise King Solomon hadn’t fully understood this, even as he was building a grand temple FOR GOD! That’s why God spoke to him:

“You are building this temple for me. But if you live as I want you to, if you follow my laws and keep all my commands, THEN I will keep the promise I made to your father David. THEN I will dwell among the Israelites in this temple and never leave my people.” (1 Kings 6:12-13 NLT

God wants to do something FOR YOU and THROUGH YOU, but what’s even more important is that you do it 100% WITH HIM and in a TRUE RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM.

So in closing, let me ask you again: Are you doing what you’re doing for God, with God, friend?

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!