“Are you like Moses?”

What does success mean to you, personally? Where would you say about yourself, “In this area, I’ve made it”?
When I told other event organizers about the big event I’m planning for the first time on my own, their reactions were often filled with awe: “What? And that many people are supposed to come? 😲 Then you’ve really made it.”
friend, can I be totally honest with you about how I feel when I hear things like that? It almost makes me feel sick… because on the one hand, I still have a lot of respect for all the work involved, but on the other hand, I never see this as success, but rather as grace and a calling. Honestly, if God hadn’t spoken clearly to me, I would have gladly hidden under my covers instead of putting on the event! Haha 😂But He spoke clearly with the words: “‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I answered, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” (Isaiah 6:8 NIV)
Although, friend, at first, I was honestly more like Moses, saying, “Send someone else…” (see Exodus 4:13) The idea came up to book a “more successful” band to fill the hall, or to invite someone really famous to attract people. And friend, God repeatedly put a clear NO in my face.
It’s like He was saying, “I am your God. And I am your success.”
friend, these words apply to you today as well! God says: “I am your God. And I am your success!” The following words from Paul have really encouraged me on the way to this event:
“...We who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh.” (Philippians 3:3 NIV)
friend: When God speaks through the Holy Spirit, darkness becomes light! If you trust in something that looks like success, it can quickly turn around. Just ask people who lost everything in the stock market.
But if you make room for the Holy Spirit to move, you’ll experience something you’ve never experienced before!
Be bold, friend, do what God is asking of you — because the Holy Spirit IN YOU can accomplish wonders! And I believe that with all my heart — even for this special event!
You are a miracle!