Are You Looking For That Great Love, friend?
Yesterday we dove into this topic of "Love before you do anything else." But how can we do that if we experience so little love ourselves? Can we really love before we've been loved?
We all want to be loved. We all want to experience that great love. Maybe you thought you’d discovered it, but then realized the love you’d found wasn’t so great after all. You were hurt, and your heart was torn into a thousand pieces.
Or maybe you were gifted with many wonderful years with your great love, only to have that love come to an end, and now you feel lonely and long for more of what you had.
We are looking for that elusive best love, and miss the fact that the greatest love is available to all who seek it.
Let me quote this Bible verse to explain this to you today, friend:
"...God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." (1 John 4:16 NIV)
First of all, God is love. Period. We may be looking for the great love in a human being, but the Bible doesn't say, "friend is love." No, God alone is love.
Why do we look for great love in people when God alone is love?
Let me repeat, "...God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." (1 John 4:16 NIV)
For us this means: If we make God our great love, acknowledge and accept His love, then we abide IN that love and can continue to live OUT of that love, pass it on, and even forgive when someone's love has hurt us. Now we understand that this person doesn't have the love we need at all. That greatest love comes from God alone!
Woooooooow. Do you understand that, friend? You no longer have to look for that great love, because you can have it today!
Will you recognize and accept this love of God today? Abide in this love and continue to live and pass on love out of His love.
That would be so beautiful!
You are a miracle!