Publication date Mar 11, 2023

friend, are you ready to find hope in the middle of trouble?

Publication date Mar 11, 2023

One day, I sincerely hope that you get to meet Laurel because your life will be richer the instant you connect. I am not just saying this because we are married, I am saying this because it is true. Laurel makes everyone’s life richer!

One of the first things you will notice about Laurel is her intentional choice of joy! Laurel not only loves to laugh with people, but she also pushes deeper into God’s joy as He walks with her through both victories and challenges.

Laurel has taught me how to laugh in the face of many trying moments. We actually have a saying for it in our family. We call the grand adventure of every day, the LOL - the Life of Laurel!

I remember a learning moment for me that happened in the earthquake zone in Italy. Laurel and I traveled to a small town that had been devastated by an earthquake. There was no one present in the town because of all the damage. As we walked around in the rubble, I saw a transformation occur. Laurel was no longer focused on the devastation, she was fully immersed in the opportunity that God had laid in front of us-  She was overwhelmed by the presence of God and the potential of many people coming to Jesus in the face of deep challenge.

Laurel was actually skipping from rock to rock, carried along by the presence of God… I was scared that she was going to fall and hurt herself! Our guide Mario recognized my fear and calmed them by saying, “She’s OK.  She is in good hands.” Laurel taught me about joy and Mario taught me about trust!

friend, where can you find hope today in the middle of the rubble of broken dreams and hurts? I promise that if you look for the hope of Jesus, no matter the situation, you will find it!

Nehemiah was in the middle of the devastation of the physical walls of Jerusalem and the spiritual devastation of the sin of Israel when he wrote:

“Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

 (Nehemiah 8:10, NIV) 

The joy of the Lord is OUR strength today! His miraculous power will allow rubble to become rejoicing. 

Just so you know, many people in that little Italian village had began to turn to Jesus during the earthquake aftermath! We even met some believers in Jesus who chose to trust Him when life was hard.

No matter the challenge, the presence and power of Jesus are greater!

Find hope. Enjoy today. Embrace the joy!

You are a miracle!


Grant Fishbook

Lead Teaching Pastor @ctkbellingham or, just a regular guy passionately following Jesus!