Are you still aware of this?

"Lord, I come to You..."
How often do we sing songs that start like this? How often do we pray prayers that start like this? But what exactly is behind this phrase? Have you ever thought about it, friend?
In Hebrews 11, it says: "Anyone who wants to come to God must believe that He exists." (Hebrews 11:6 NLT).
You know, friend, Abraham, for example, learned through his relationship with God to see what was behind every challenge. And behind it, he always saw his saving God!
Even when God asked him to sacrifice his son, he didn’t hesitate: He TRUSTED that God had something behind this. He BELIEVED God’s promise: "Your descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky…" (Genesis 15:5 NLT). And this, while God was actually asking him to do the opposite: to sacrifice his descendants...
friend, where in your life does it look like you need to sacrifice something that God had actually promised you? Where are you asking yourself, "Did I misunderstand God here?"
May I encourage you today, like Abraham, to trust that there is something behind it that will amaze you?
When you sing, "Lord, I come to You..." then come with all your trust. Yes, "Anyone who wants to come to Him MUST BELIEVE that God exists." A God who has good intentions for you.
Abraham was able to walk through this storm in peace because he truly believed that God exists, and he truly believed that God would fulfill His promise, even when reality looked completely different!
And when you pray today, "Lord, I come to You," do it with full awareness of His trustworthiness and faithfulness, friend.
You might not be able to see what’s behind it, but one thing is certain: right HERE is where you will experience God!
Believe. Trust.
You are a miracle!