Are you still doubting, friend?
"I read your emails every day and admire that you manage to live it like this. In theory, I know it all, but I fail to implement it..."
Quite unexpectedly, a woman approached me at a wedding and I was impressed by how many of the miracles she could quote by heart! But, there is a vast difference between hearing or reading and doing.
How do I make the difference between knowing and doing work in my life? Well, first of all, you have to know that I often don't manage it either. I also stumble and fall again and again. I often think, "Gee, Déborah. You actually knew it...".
And quite honestly? These moments can pull me down quite a bit. I immediately ask God for forgiveness, but it often feels like that's not enough, so I stay sad because I keep thinking about my failures....
friend, it's very important to bring mistakes and failures to light and ask God for forgiveness. And do you know what God says about that? "Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline." (Revelation 3:19 NIV)
Do you hear that, friend? That guilty conscience, that guilt…it comes up because God loves you!
The next verse continues, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door [meaning, “If you respond to this guilty conscience and ask Me to forgive you”], I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." (Revelation 3:20 NIV)
Ah, if you just ask for forgiveness, He not only wants to forgive you, He wants to eat with you! Sharing a meal is a beautiful thing, something that brings joy! God wants you to be happy again, and not keep thinking about your failures!
friend, that is the way to joy. Joy comes to those who ask for forgiveness and then consciously accept it!
You are a miracle!