Are you under pressure?

You can achieve everything in life and still not have peace.
Yes, friend, I'm not talking much about it these days, but a few years ago, I had the opportunity to tour with some "world stars."
And here, I saw everything. Yes, everything. The sheer despair when the next concert wasn't sold out and the plan didn't work out. And the immense pressure that constantly weighed on everyone: "We have to deliver. We must not fail."
There was no peace there. Because no one wanted to know about God's peace. And do you know why, friend? Because deep down, everyone knew: "If we ask God for His help, He will ask us to change our concept of Him..."
The result of this conscious decision was that most of them tried to push away their tension night after night with alcohol and drugs…for a brief moment. Until the new day began with its new pressures.
Do you, friend, currently feel like you're drowning under this pressure of "I have to deliver, I must not fail?"
Can I repeat the sentence I just mentioned? There was no peace there. No one wanted to know about God's peace.
Do you want to know about God's peace? Or are you perhaps rejecting His offer because you know He would also ask you to change something in your concept of Him?
I had to break free from these tours and start from scratch again. Was it hard? Yes, very! Was it worth it? Yes, very! Because today, I still live in a very turbulent world, but I live in a turbulent world where God keeps His peace inside me.
"For whoever shares in God's peace can rest from all their work." (Hebrews 4:10 NIV)
Understanding God's peace is more valuable than "achieving everything" in life.
You are a miracle!