BARAK: To praise; to kneel in praise and adoration
When was the last time you knelt in God’s presence? I can still remember my grandfather kneeling beside his bed to pray. It was a humble and beautiful posture of worship. The Hebrew word, “Barak” means to kneel, to bless God (as an act of adoration), to praise, to salute and to thank.
I have had two men in my life who have helped shape me as a pastor and a person. John Havland was my friend, my 12-step sponsor, my encourager and a spiritual father (he always called me “Grant, my son”). John was the first Executive Pastor that our church ever had and he worked for our church for an entire year for a dollar (it’s an amazing story). I will never be able to pay back the debt of gratitude I owe him.
Gerrit Byeman was my friend, my conscience, and the person who has never allowed me to take myself too seriously. He was always telling me to lighten up! Gerrit gave me the wisdom, “Never get too far from dirt.” He helped me build a little sanctuary in my backyard, and I think of him every time I sit there, walk there, pray there, or meet Jesus there.
Both Gerritt and John have gone home to be with Jesus. I am so thankful God put them in my life. I love them both so much. This morning, thinking about them, I found myself on my knees, thanking and praising God for their lives and their love. I was so full of gratitude that I got to see them both love Jesus body, soul, mind and spirit. I was so overwhelmed by their love for God that I found myself kneeling in the presence of Jesus, expressing how much I loved Him because of the gifts of John and Gerrit.
friend, 289 times in the book of Psalms alone, God says, “take a knee.” 289 times we have the opportunity to willfully and willingly adore God by taking this posture. The book of Psalms says, in one instance:
“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel (barak) before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.” (Psalm 95:6-7, NIV)
My friend, would you join me in worship by kneeling before God, right now? Will you join me in a humble posture and then allow gratitude to pour out of your heart to Him. I promise you that gratitude to God will open the door to new miracles in your life!
You are a miracle!