Publication date Jun 3, 2021

Bumps on the road to your destiny 🐫

Publication date Jun 3, 2021

Journeys are never quite like you planned them. A few years ago, I had the privilege of traveling through Israel with friends from the International Church of Las Vegas. The trip was amazing, but it had a few bumps along the road. 

One day, our tour leader told us we were going to see Bethlehem. Wow, that’s the birthplace of Jesus! Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? It wasn’t. We couldn’t enter the city because of unrest in the region. We simply parked the bus in a spot that overlooked an ugly garbage dump and a distant view of a wall and buildings. Major disappointment, right? Not really because I’ve learned to search for contentment, even in tough spots. 

The Apostle Paul learned the secret of contentment: “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” (Philippians 4:11, NIV) The secret of contentment is a mystery to all of us at times. 

To be honest with you, this trip had a lot to do with overcoming some tough spots. I don’t go on tours. I don’t like following the crowd—I’m fiercely independent. But this trip was different. I had brought my eldest grandson to make up for a broken promise. Five years earlier, I made a promise to him, and I broke it. So I planned this trip on purpose to help me overcome my mistake and heal our relationship. 

Together, my grandson and I tried something different. Usually tours made me feel uncomfortable, but somehow we found deep contentment and intimacy. friend, are you willing to try something new in order to heal a relationship? I have discovered it’s not about a geographical destination but an emotional and spiritual destination. 

I pray that you will find true purpose on your journey because you are a miracle.

Paul Marc Goulet