Publication date Jun 22, 2023

But First...

Publication date Jun 22, 2023

"May I watch another movie, please?" 

"Yes, but first go brush your teeth."

Ah, we may remember this from childhood. The great wish, the dream, so to speak, to be allowed to watch another movie or TV show in the evening, but first... you have to brush your teeth.

This is so annoying, but so important. It prevents long-term pain. If you look closely, life has always been that way. Someone has a dream, and God says, "Yes, but first..." And then something follows that is not fun, but is important to prevent long-term pain!

Let’s look at the life of Joseph as an example. He too had a dream. “Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.” (Genesis 37:5 NIV). He was going to be somebody someday, but he told his family in an arrogant way, and they hated him for it. 

That was exactly the reason he was sold as a slave and ended up in prison! Not a good resumé for someone who thought he was going to be important. (see Genesis 37:8 NIV)

But, friend, it took that desert time in Joseph's life, as harsh as that may sound, to overcome his arrogance, and to learn to trust in God so he could do the valuable job God intended for his life as Pharaoh's deputy. 

He had to go through that "But first..." phase, because his character had to be honed for his mission. Maybe you too have to go through that transforming time because God wants to prepare YOU for something WONDERFUL.

What we often don't realize is that some pain is good for the heart, and because our heart was created by God, He will not allow the pain to be harder than we can handle! 

"And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV)

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!